Croatia’s FSRU-based Krk terminal has received its first liquefied natural gas (LNG) cargo from Oman, according to shipping data.
State-owned terminal operator LNG Croatia said in a short statement that the 2022-built 174,000-cbm, BW ENN Snow Lotus, arrived at the 140,000-cbm FSRU on May 13.
The LNG terminal operator said this is the 62nd LNG cargo for the FSRU since it started operations in January 2021.
Prior to this delivery, LNG Croatia conducted maintenance at the facility during May 7-12, its website shows.
According to its AIS data provided by VesselsValue, the ME-GI LNG carrier, owned by BW LNG and chartered by ENN, delivered the cargo to the FSRU from the Oman LNG export plant in Qalhat.
Oman LNG operates three LNG trains in Qalhat with a nameplate capacity of 10.4 mtpa. The government of Oman holds 51 percent in Oman LNG, Shell holds 30 percent, while other shareholders include TotalEnergies and Korea LNG.
Shipping data shows that the Croatian FSRU has not previously received cargoes from Oman.
The Krk LNG terminal mostly receives cargoes from the US. Other sources include Mozambique, Egypt, Nigeria, Trinidad and Tobago, and reloads from Dunkirk, Zeebrugge, and Barcelona.
Some of the terminal users include a unit Switzerland-based trading firm MET Group and Hungary’s MFGK.

Capacity boost
Finland’s Wartsila recently secured a contract to supply one regasification module for the FSRU LNG Croatia as part of Croatia’s plans to boost the capacity of the Krk LNG terminal.
The contract is worth about 22.9 million euros ($25 million) and the the regas module will have a maximum capacity of 250,000 m3/h.
LNG Croatia’s website shows that the current three LNG regasification units have a maximum regasification rate of 451,840 m3/h.
Following the upgrade, the FSRU-based facility will have a capacity of about 6.1 bcm per year.
LNG Croatia expects to offer additional capacities to the market from the gas year starting on October 1, 2025.