Floating player Hoegh LNG has entered a non-exclusive collaboration with Aker Carbon Capture and Altera Infrastructure to explore a full value chain offering for carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS).
According to a joint statement on Monday, the partners would collaborate on offering carbon capture as a service to industrial emitters.
This enables “cost-effective implementation of the full value chain needed to realize carbon capture, utilization, and storage projects for industrial emitters,” the statement said.
Aker Carbon Capture is a provider of carbon capture solutions. Hoegh LNG’s fleet consists of ten FSRUs and two LNG carriers while Altera Infrastructure, previously known as Teekay Offshore, has a fleet FPSOs, LNG-powered shuttle tankers, and towing vessels.
Also, the statement said that Hoegh and Altera are working on the Stella Maris CCS project that covers large-scale transport with shuttling of CO2 to an offshore site for injection and permanent storage in a relevant subsea reservoir.
The non-exclusive collaboration allows the three firms to offer a full value chain offering at locations where the combined technical concept of Aker Carbon Capture’s technology and the processing and shipping capabilities of Altera Infrastructure and Hoegh fits the best.
In addtion, it also allows the partners with flexibility to work with alternative solutions elsewhere, the statement said.