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The Greek gas grid and Revithoussa LNG terminal operator said on Monday that its ongoing auction process for booking unloading slots and regasification capacity at the LNG terminal has garnered significant market interest.
“The fact that all but four slots for the period 2025-2030 have already been booked is indicative of the high demand, as well as a confirmation of Revithoussa’s critical role for the energy efficiency of Greece and the broader region, reflecting growing market trust for Greece’s LNG infrastructure,” DESFA said.
The Greek firm, owned by a consortium led by Snam, noted that Greece’s exports of regasified LNG are expected to significantly increase in the coming years, thanks to the upgrade and expansion of natural gas infrastructure in the country.
Besides the Revithoussa LNG terminal, Greece now also has Gastrade’s FSRU-based LNG import terminal off Greece’s Alexandroupolis, which just received a new LNG cargo.

For the gas year 2025, all 41 slots offered at Revithoussa were reserved, corresponding to the unloading of a total quantity of 35 TWh, while for 2026, 21 of the 22 total offered slots were reserved for unloading a quantity of 35 TWh out of the offered quantity of 35.5 TWh.
Moreover, all 44 offered slots were reserved for the unloading of 36.5 TWh in 2027.
This is the case with 2028 where all 44 slots offered were reserved, corresponding to the unloading of a total quantity of 35 TWh.
DESFA said that all 43 offered slots were reserved in 2029 for the unloading of 35.5 TWh, while 40 of the offered slots were reserved in 2030, corresponding to a quantity of 33.5 TWh.
The firm said its ongoing auctions cover the period 2025-2039 and will be completed in mid-February 2025.
DESFA noted the annual unloading planning and capacity booking process implemented by the company since 2020 is based on market auctions and ensures the effective use of the Revithoussa LNG facility in accordance with the changing conditions in the Greek and international LNG market.
Greek LNG imports down
LNG deliveries to Greece decreased by 48.7 percent from January to September, with the US supplying most of the volumes, DESFA’s recent data showed.
The LNG shipments in the nine-month period totaled 12.34 terawatt hours, or 17 tankers.
This compares to 24.04 TWh, or 34 tankers, in the same period in 2023.
Greek LNG imports totaled 8.96 TWh, or 12 tankers, in the first half of this year.
This means that Greece received 3.38 TWh, or 5 tankers, during the third quarter.
Besides LNG imports, DESFA said that since the start of the Revithoussa LNG truck loading service in November 2023, 174 LNG trucks have been loaded, transferring 7,787 cbm of LNG, or 51,278 MWh of equivalent energy.