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Deutsche ReGas announced on Monday that it had terminated the charter contract for the 174,000-cbm FSRU Energos Power, one of the two FSRUs currently operating at the Mukran LNG import terminal, with the German government.
Since December 2024, DET has been systematically marketing its capacities for the regulated LNG terminals at prices “significantly below” the cost-covering fees approved by the German Federal Network Agency, Deutsche ReGas claims.
This has led and continues to lead to “significant market distortion” in Germany, and the pricing policy is one of several reasons for terminating the sub-charter contract, according to the firm.
LNG Prime invited DET to comment on the claims by Deutsche ReGas.
“DET complies with the regulatory requirements for the marketing of regasification capacities for its terminals,” a spokesman for DET said.
“DET rejects any accusations to the contrary by Deutsche ReGas,” he said.
The firm currently operates the Brunsbüttel and Wilhelmshaven 1 FSRU-based terminals and is working to launch two further FSRU-based facilities in Stade and Wilhelmshaven.
DET recently said it had allocated all of the offered 2025 regasification slots at two of its FSRU-based terminals.
In December last year, DET allocated six regasification slots for the first quarter of 2025 at its FSRU-based terminals in Brunsbüttel and Wilhelmshaven 1.
Last month, DET announced new auctions offering in total 44 OTD (obligation to deliver) and NOTD (no obligation to deliver) slots.
DET offered 17 Wilhelmshaven 1 slots (6 OTD and 11 NOTD) and 27 Brunsbüttel slots (3 OTD and 24 NOTD).
“The average price achieved in the December auction was EUR 0.11/MMBtu, while the average price in the February auction was EUR 0.30/MMBtu,” DET said.