Biokraft says launches world’s largest biomethane liquefaction unit

Sweden-based bio-LNG producer Biokraft International, previously known as Scandinavian Biogas, has launched what it says is the world’s largest biomethane liquefaction unit at its biogas plant in Sodertorn.

The newly built liquefaction plant, connected to the company’s biogas plant in Sodertorn, located south of Stockhol, delivered its first batch of bio-LNG on Thursday, according to Biokraft.

Biokraft said the shipment consisted of 34 tons of bio-LNG to be used by trucks in northern Europe.

“A filled container holds 17 tons of bio-LNG which is enough for fossil-free driving with a fully loaded long-haul truck for approximately 50,000 kilometers,” it said.

Biokraft produces biogas by digesting collected food scraps and slaughterhouse waste from municipalities in Greater Stockholm.

50 tons of bio-LNG per day

The newly built liquefaction plant is located directly adjacent to the digesters in Sodertorn and converts biomethane into liquid through cooling.

“The unit has a production capacity of 220 GWh per year and is thus the world’s largest (with a production capacity of 50 tons of bio-LNG per day),” Biokraft said.

Also, the company’s potential market is significantly broadened towards heavy road transport, shipping, and industry thanks to liquefaction.

Bio-LNG has a high energy content per unit volume and can be transported long distances at a “reasonable” cost to meet a strong demand in Northern Europe, it said.

Biokraft says launches world's largest biomethane liquefaction unit
Image: Biokraft

$30 million

The Stockholm bio-LNG project started two years ago and the investment is about 330 million Swedish crowns ($30.2 million).

Biokraft financed the project with equity, bond loans, and government investment support from Klimatklivet.

“The Stockholm bio-LNG project will be in the commissioning phase for some months while production is scaled, and functions and delivery parameters are tested,” it said.

Biokraft expects the facility to be transferred to regular production towards the end of the year.

“The launch of Stockholm bio-LNG is a major strategic milestone and strengthens our market position as one of Europe’s leading bio-LNG producers in the Northern European market,” Matti Vikkula, CEO of Biokraft, said.

“The project also shows that, in line with our strategic growth plan, we have the competence and capacity to build and operate large-scale biogas plants,” he said.

Biokraft recently secured land for a new bio-LNG production plant it plans to build in Perstorp, Sweden.

Earlier this year, Scandinavian Biogas decided to build a new bio-LNG plant worth about $75 million in Monsteras, Sweden.

Biokraft intends to expand its current production capacity to at least 3 TWh by 2030.

The company has a supply deal with German fueling station operator Alternoil, as well as a multi-year deal to supply bio-LNG to the transport sector in Sweden and the Nordic region.

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